Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sex, Love, & Relationships | Straight Up Love ? Blog Archive ...


sex love and relationships horoscope

Watch your tongue and keep your thoughts true to your goals. This week aggressive Mars in critical Virgo is causing trouble with Mercury (your thoughts) in Gemini (communications with others). If someone get?s in the way of a daily routine that has taken several months to finally perfect, there?s a chance you can explode. Let it pass quickly. This tension can easily motivate change without a freak out. It?s up to you.

sex love and relationship horoscopes

Get ready for the money. Jupiter has spent a year working on your self esteem and now gets ready to enter your personal money sector. Currently Venus is in there and she is retrograde so it feels like all of the blessings have stopped. This is not true. It?s like an elastic band that?s just gaining tension and preparing to spring. Get ready.

sex love and relationship horoscopes

There?s a lot of powerful energy surrounding you beginning right now. It?s all about what you want and how you go after it. If you?re the type who sits around waiting for someone else to do things you will lose. If you do it yourself you will win. Think as big as you can and go for it. The bigger the idea, the more chance for success. After all that, you will be faced with some moments where you?ll wonder ?seriously?? and ?wtf?. Roll with it.

sex love and relationship horoscopes

Lovers from the past invade your dreams with an allure to relive past romances. It?s just a dream but it can also be fun. Take this time to heal yourself from the inside. Your energy focus is self-love and healing. Don?t sink too deeply.

sex love and relationship horoscopes

It?s important for you to be out in the public where people can see you. Helpers from the past, return with new offers. Listen closely to all offers. In a short time you will meet someone who has the ability to make all of your dreams come true. Talk to everyone. Listen to yourself. An answer arrives late in the week.

sex love and relationship horoscopes

There?s finally a dream lover waiting on the horizon. As clouds clear you?ll get to see someone in a new light and you like it. A dream job offer arrives from a close friend.

sex love and relationship horoscopes

You don?t have to make that decision you?ve been anguishing over. Another couple of days and clarity arrives. You like what you see more than you ever expected. Things change and you?re going to have to get used to it. You didn?t get everything you ultimately felt you wanted but you?re going to have so much more.

sex love and relationship horoscopes

If the planets have any say, you?ve been flirting your sexy tail off and people have noticed. Venus is retrograde is your 8th astro-sector and this is all stuff close to your heart, financial partnerships, death, transformations, the occult, sex, mysteries, and healing. This placement emphasises the outward success you can have with someone close but it is currently feeling like the love has dried up. Your teammates will return very shortly with a ton of love. The question is, as a scorpio, can you welcome back someone who left you stranded?

sex love and relationship horoscopes

There?s a lot going on with you and close relationships right now and soon it?s going to get even better. This week however, the brakes are on and it sucks. The past is haunting. Make peace and move on. The problem is you?ve wrapped yourself in the most bizarre illusion and you?re sucking others into your drama. Clarity begins at the end of the week.

sex love and relationship horoscopes

Keep moving. Work your plan, every day. Go to the gym. Double check your bills. This is the time to be working through your plan. It might feel like a get nowhere kind of week but keep going. You?re making progress. Illusions intensify at the end of the week. Last chance to take a chance.

sex love and relationship horoscopes

It?s difficult to believe that you?ll get any luckier than this but it?s coming. Love is on the freeze for another week but this just means it has a chance to breathe and build excitement. A little patience and some wonderful insights rule the beginning of the week.

sex love and relationships horoscope

Tension at home and the waters get warm. It should be a time of love but it feels like change is coming fast. You might feel extra taxed as you extend to help someone close. Watch for an energy drain at the end of the week.

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