One of the most difficult challenges I have seen with business owners who want to move their businesses to the next stage is determining what the next stage ? or the final stage ? should look like.? While ?take it as big as it will go,? and ?I want to be a global organization? sound good, what that might mean to me might mean something different to you.
Many companies find that the people who start the business aren?t equipped with the tools to keep the business operating over time.? When looking at running a much larger company than what they currently have, the business owner needs to think in terms of how they might fit into the company.? Do they have the experience to manage larger markets, larger production facilities, a larger customer base, more revenue, etc.?? Do they have the ability to manage dynamic costs as the business experiences different market and economic conditions?
The best thing for a business owner to do ? we recently did this with great success ? is to tell the story, both from the perspective of the customer and from that of the business, of the experience or what operations looked like.? For example:
?Our company is now a $10 million marketing firm based in the tri-state area.? We have a solid customer based of clients in IT, Healthcare and Emerging Growth companies.? Our product offerings include design, strategy and marketing production.? We have a staff of eight core members??
From the customer perspective:
?Working with XYZ Marketing Group has been a phenomenal experience.? The company really took the time to understand what our needs were, and our goals as a company; they didn?t simply focus on where we were, but also, where we wanted to be.? This enabled us to plan our marketing endeavors over a period of time, and gave them a framework of dollars and expectations to work within??
The stories aren?t the end of the conversation; they are the jumping off point.? They establish a foundation.? From here, questions can be asked and a clearer picture of what the ?end zone? might look like for the company.? Understanding what the end zone might look like is the first step in getting started in ?Go Big!? for your company.
Aepiphanni Business Consulting: The Business Strategy People is an Atlanta, Georgia based Operations Management and Business Strategy Consulting Firm dedicated to serving the needs of small to medium sized business leaders. We help business leaders DESIGN| CREATE | BUILD extraordinary businesses.? We support our clients with financial management, product and service production and delivery, outsourced services management, sales & marketing and business growth.? We provide them with a number of flexible solutions to help them reach their goals.
Join us for a 30-minute complimentary Coffee & a Consult, to learn more about Aepiphanni and how we might help you move your company from existing to extraordinary.
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