Saturday, March 9, 2013

Is Meditation Really Beneficial, or Is It Just Ridiculous?

Is Meditation Really Beneficial, or Is It Just Ridiculous?I've seen you guys post a few things about the benefits of meditation, and I only have one question: Really? I'm pretty skeptical. Is there some actual science behind meditation benefits, or is this just one of those trends?

Meditation Myths

Dear MM,
The meditation you've been hearing about isn't quite as stereotypical as you're probably thinking. And indeed, there is some science behind it: meditation has been a hot topic for all sorts of studies recently, and the supposed benefits range from jump-starting your productivity to improving your memory. Let's start by defining what meditation actually is, what the benefits are, and how you can implement it into your daily schedule.

What Meditation Really Is

Is Meditation Really Beneficial, or Is It Just Ridiculous?If you see the word meditation and immediately conjure up religious images or deadbeats wasting time at work, you're not alone?but that's not exactly what we're talking about here. Mindful meditation, despite it's awkward name, is really just about training your brain to concentrate and focus better. As professor David Levy describes it to USA Today, meditation is just another exercise:

Meditation is a lot like doing reps at a gym. It strengthens your attention muscle.

That's it. You don't need to buy yoga pants, burn incense, or even sit a particular way. The purpose of meditation is to train your brain just like you do the rest of your muscles. In this case, that means concentrating and focusing on one thing in your brain for a little while. As The New York Times points out, it's about being mindful of what you're doing:

Though the concept originates in ancient Buddhist, Hindu and Chinese traditions, when it comes to experimental psychology, mindfulness is less about spirituality and more about concentration: the ability to quiet your mind, focus your attention on the present, and dismiss any distractions that come your way.

So, if you're struggling with concentration and focus, it's thought that meditation is one simple way to train yourself to get better at it. All it really takes is the ability to intentionally not think about anything for a little while. Photo by Chris Tweddle.

The Benefits of Meditation

Is Meditation Really Beneficial, or Is It Just Ridiculous?It's long been thought that meditation plays some role in concentration and focus, but only recently have we started to see studies that actually reflect the common wisdom.

For example, one study from the University of Washington showed that meditation can increase productivity and help you focus, another study published in Brain Research Bulletin suggests meditation can decrease stress, and another by the University of Massachussetts Medical School has shown medidation can boost your overall brain power in a number of ways. Simply put, while researchers are still gathering evidence about the effects of meditation, it looks like even short stints of meditation have a positive effect on the brain's ability to concentrate. That in turn makes it easier to focus, retain memories, and be more productive.

On a more circumstantial level, meditation can also help you avoid information overload to help reduce the amount of noisy news around you all the time. Meditation is also helpful when you want to improve your powers of observation, or change habits and craving. Photo by Big Mind Zen Center.

How to Meditate

Is Meditation Really Beneficial, or Is It Just Ridiculous?We've put together a guide to meditation before, and it's just as simple as it sounds. There really aren't any special tricks, magic incantations, or weird brain hacks. It's just about sitting quietly and concentrating for a while. The The Harvard Business Review has a meditation system we can all use:

Sit with your back straight enough that your breathing is comfortable?on a chair or a cushion on the floor?and set a timer for however many minutes you want to meditate. Once you start the timer, close your eyes, relax, and don't move except to breathe, until the timer goes off. Focus on your breath going in and out. Every time you have a thought or an urge, notice it and bring yourself back to your breath.

While a lot of the studies above dig into longer meditation periods, you don't need to dedicate that large of a chunk of time. two minutes a day is beneficial, and you can even use apps to help you calm down for those short periods of time no matter where you are.

So, while it might seem strange to you, take a few minutes everyday to just relax, clear your mind, and concentrate on your breathing. It's simple, doesn't take up that much of your day, and has been shown to have substantial benefits in all kinds of ways. If nothing else, it at least gets you away from your desk (and work) for a couple minutes. Photo by Richard Masoner / Cyclelicious.

Good luck,

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Title photo by Diego Cervo (Shutterstock) and dedMazay (Shutterstock).


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